
Appoint 23 RDN Administrator Banks and Payment Banks, KSEI Improves Ease of Investor Access to Capital Market

Published on 19/07/2024

PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) renewed its cooperation with Customer Fund Account Administrator Banks (RDN Administrator Banks) and Payment Banks, which was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on Friday (19/7). Cooperation with RDN Administrator Banks and Payment Banks is one of KSEI’s efforts to improve investor accessibility for capital market investment.

The signing process was officially carried out at the Main Hall, Indonesia Stock Exchange between the President Director, KSEI Samsul Hidayat and the heads of the RDN Administrator Bank and Payment Bank respectively. Also present and witnessing the signing were the Chief Executive Officer of the Capital Market Supervisor, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Inarno Djajadi, Directors and Commissioners of the Self-Regulatory Organization (PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI), and KSEI), invited guests representing the RDN Administrator Bank and Payment Bank, as well as media partners.

The signing of the RDN Administrator Bank and Payment Bank MCC was carried out for the period 2024-2029. This cooperation also increases the number of RDN Administrator Banks and Payment Banks to 23 Banks, with details of 15 Banks that previously became RDN Administrator Banks and Payment Banks, and 8 new Banks. Unlike before, in the 2024-2029 period all RDN Administrator Banks will also act as KSEI Payment Banks, so that they can carry out the function of securities transaction settlement in the capital market, and provide alternative intraday facilities to Securities Companies.

Through this cooperation, the role of RDN Administration Bank and Payment Bank will have a positive impact on banks, among others; providing bank branding which has an impact on increasing the number of new customers, as well as increasing bank customer penetration which allows bank customers to try other investment instruments in the capital market. Banks also have the opportunity to increase savings accounts from the opening of RDN, to get deposited funds for customers, and create a bank ecosystem with participation in the capital market.

With the support of 23 RDN Administrator Banks and Payment Banks for the period 2024-2029, it is hoped that it can strengthen the foundation for building and advancing the Indonesian capital market to be even better in the future.