[6 MARCH 2017, Bali, Indonesia] –
The ASEAN Exchanges convened this past weekend in Bali, Indonesia for the 26th ASEAN Exchanges CEOs meeting and reaffirmed their collaboration to promote the ASEAN capital market as an asset class.
This meeting is symbolic as the seven ASEAN exchanges namely Bursa Malaysia, Hanoi Stock Exchange, Hochiminh Stock Exchange, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Philippine Stock Exchange, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Singapore Exchange met six years ago in Bali to formally introduce the ASEAN Exchanges collaboration.
Speaking on behalf of the ASEAN Exchanges, [Tito Sulistio, Chairman of the 26th ASEAN Exchanges CEOs Meeting] said, “the ASEAN Exchanges collaboration has made great strides since the collaboration was formalised in 2011 to foster greater diversity, innovation and investment opportunities. Trade value, market cap and trading interests have all trended positively upwards in the years since its inception. Product innovations were systematically introduced year-on-year in an effort to grow trade value and the quality of the ASEAN capital market product.”
In over the last 12 months, the ASEAN Exchanges collaboration ushered in the introduction of the ASEAN 5 FTSE4Good ESG Index and new MSCI ASEAN centric indices.
[Sulistio] continues, “Today, growth of the seven exchanges of ASEAN and ASEAN based intermediaries has exceeded expectations by expanding from market centric, domestic institutions to large regional intermediaries with ASEAN focus. Compared with 2011, domestic based investment banks and equity houses today have successfully transformed from country leaders into regional ASEAN leaders, able to compete head on with some of the large global players. These institutions have defined efficient cross border trade linkages within their own platforms and provided efficient inter-broker services to domestic focused entities looking to expand their investments to ASEAN. Going forward, the collaboration will continue to introduce products and services, to catalyse new methods of streamlining access to and within ASEAN and build greater cross border harmonisation.”
[Sulistio also] said, “The ASEAN Exchanges collaboration will continue to work with best in class partners from around the world to build greater liquidity amongst members in the region. Similar to how the trade link service introduced in 2012 catalysed new and efficient methods of trading amongst intermediaries, we anticipate the recent move by MSCI to introduce new ASEAN tradable indices will spur new listed products across our exchanges.”
The ASEAN Exchanges CEOs reaffirm the intention to continue to collaborate while focusing on harmonising regulatory frameworks, facilitating the issuance of ASEAN products, cross-exchange listing of ASEAN products and mutual recognition of capital market professionals. These initiatives will be profiled through ASEAN Exchanges driven marketing platforms within ASEAN as well as outside.
Six Years of ASEAN Exchanges Growth (31 Dec 2010 – 31 Dec 2016)
TRADE VALUE: up 6.10%
TOP 10 EQUITY PLAYERS: 2011 = 1; 2016 = 4
Source: World Federation of Exchanges and Reuters
26th ASEAN Exchanges CEOs Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 3 March 2017. Pictured left to right; Datuk Seri Tajuddin Atan of Bursa Malaysia, Le Hai Tra of Hochiminh Stock Exchange, Kesara Manchusree of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Tito Sulistio of Indonesia Stock Exchange, Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan of Hanoi Stock Exchange, Loh Boon Chye of Singapore Exchange, Hans B. Sicat of The Philippine Stock Exchange
ASEAN Exchanges is a collaboration of seven exchanges from Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The collaboration aims to promote the growth of the ASEAN capital market by driving cross-border collaboration, streamlining access to ASEAN, creating ASEAN centric products and implementing targeted promotional initiatives.
The ASEAN Exchanges collaboration CEOs comprise Datuk Seri Tajuddin Atan of Bursa Malaysia, Le Hai Tra of Hochiminh Stock Exchange, Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan of Hanoi Stock Exchange, Tito Sulistio of Indonesia Stock Exchange, Hans B. Sicat of The Philippine Stock Exchange, Kesara Manchusree of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Loh Boon Chye of Singapore Exchange.
Bursa Malaysia Berhad
Zety Fazilah Baharuddin
Strategic Communications Strategy & Transformation
Tel: 603 2034 7369
Fax: 603 2732 0069 Email: zety@bursamalaysia.com
Hochiminh Stock Exchange
Le Thanh Tam
Head, Corporate Communication Department
Tel : (+84-8) 3821 7713 – 2201
Fax : (+84-8) 3821 7452
Mobile : (+84) 914 787 777
E-mail : tamlt@hsx.vn
Hanoi Stock Exchange
Ho Thi Phuong Tu
Head, PR Department
Tel : (+84-4) 3941 2626
Fax : (+84-8) 3934 7818
Mobile : (+84) 9040 00989
E-mail : phuongtu@hnx.vn
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Yulianto Aji Sadono
Head, Corporate Communication
Tel: +6221 515 0515
E-mail: yulianto.aji@idx.co.id
The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.
John Benette B. Mamangun
Investor Relations Officer
Head, Corporate Planning and Investor Relations Division
Tel : +632 6887524 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
E-mail : jbmamangun@pse.com.ph
Singapore Exchange Ltd
Chin May Nah
Vice President, Head of Media Communications
Marketing & Communications
Tel. +65-6713-6327
E-mail: maynah.chin@sgx.com
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Kanokwan Khemmalai
Head, Corporate Communications Department
Tel. : +662-009-9478
E-mail : publicrelationsunit@set.or.th