
Capital Market Holds Blood Donation in East Java

Published on 25/01/2023

On Wednesday, 25 January 2023, Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) consisting of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI), and Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) collaborated with the Blood Donor Unit (UDD) The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Surabaya held a blood donor activity in the East Java region. Activities carried out simultaneously on 24 and 25 January 2023, in several cities in East Java, namely Surabaya, Malang, Mojokerto, Ponorogo, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Jember, Madiun, Jombang, Kediri, Bojonegoro, Tulungagung and Blitar. This activity is expected to be able to collect blood bags from people in various regions, so as to be able to provide sufficient stocks of blood bags, especially in the East Java region.

More details can be accessed here.