On Saturday, 15 April 2023, Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO), namely the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI), Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI), and Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) held Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the form of provision of groceries to the poor. The SRO CSR team compensated orphans and poor people from the Maktabul Aitam Foundation and the Harapan Robbani Foundation – Graha Yatim dan Dhuafa (GRAY). This activity was carried out in order to celebrate the month of Ramadan 1444 H.
For information, the Maktabul Aitam Foundation is located in Kec. Kelapa Dua, Kab. Tangerang and Time accommodate 70 orphans, most of whom come from poor communities. Whereas Robbani Hope Foundation – GRAY is located on Jl. Daan Mogot, Kel. Batu Ceper Tangerang City, currently accommodates as many as 50 orphans and poor people.