
Listing Ceremony of PT Anugerah Spareparts Sejahtera Tbk (AEGS) on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Published on 11/09/2023

On Monday, 11 September 2023, trading hours of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will be opened by PT Anugerah Spareparts Sejahtera Tbk (AEGS) in order to list AEGS shares and warrants on the BEI Acceleration Board. AEGS will be the 66th listed company listed on the IDX in 2023.

AEGS operates in the Consumer Cyclicals sector and the Automobiles & Components sub-sector. In addition, AEGS is also included in the Auto Components industry and the Auto Parts & Equipment sub-industry. The offering price for AEGS shares is Rp100.00 per share with the number of shares listed being 1,006,000,000 shares, so the market capitalization is Rp100,600,000,000.00. In addition, AEGS warrants will also be listed with the code AEGS-W.

(More information about AEGS)