On Monday, 5th February 2024, IDX trading session was opened by PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia (YU) to list PT CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia (YU) structured warrants. The six structured warrant products listed by YU include PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA)-BBCAYUCX4A, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR)-UNVRYUCX4A, PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (TLKM)-TLKMYUCX4A, dan PT Gojek Tokopedia (GOTO)-GOTOYUCX4A.
Structured Warrant products offered by YU can be owned with the lower capital. In addition, the issuance price of structured warrants that issued by YU is more competitive with a longer maturity. The six structured warrant products front the six issuers will mature on November 5, 2024 or have a period of nine months.