
Listing Ceremony of PT Maja Agung Latexindo Tbk (SURI) Shares on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

Published on 07/12/2023

On Thursday, 7 December 2023, PT Maja Agung Latexindo Tbk (SURI) opened trading hours on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) to list SURI shares on the IDX Development Board. SURI became the 79th company listed on the IDX in 2023.

Established in 1988, SURI has a 35-year history. As an issuer producing latex gloves, SURI is committed to supporting small farming communities. Collaborating with the Shamrock Group, SURI has been actively involved in assisting rubber farming communities in South Sumatra. Acting as an offtaker for rubber agricultural products, SURI provides competitive prices to farmers, contributing to the sustainable development of these communities.