
Opening of Trading by Minister of PPN or Head of BAPPENAS in order to Deepen FInancial Markets for Indonesia’s Economic Resilience

Published on 13/03/2024

In order to deepen financial market for Indonesia’s economic resilience, including the deepening of the capital market as an important part of Indonesia’s financial market, on Wednesday (13/3) IDX President Director, Iman Rachman, received a visit for the Minister of PPn/Head of Bappenas and his staff who also opened IDX trading.

On the occasion, the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenass, Suharso Monoarfa, emphasized that the stock exchange plays an important role as a catalyst through the provision of financial instruments, enabler of pricing through market mechanisms, facilitation of more appropriate capital allocation, as well as providing a source of financial and operational information on public companies to the wider community.

The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has designed the director of financial sector policy in the final draft of National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 with a target ratio of capital market  capitalization to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reaching 120 percent of GDP in 2045. Meanwhile, in the short-term, Indonesia’s economic growth is targeted to reach 5,3 to 5,6 percent in 202. To achieve this target, Indonesia needs investment of Rp7.643,4-7.711,5 trillion in 2025. As Mr. SUharso Monoarfa said, “Strengthening the capital market is expected to contribute more and help increase the resilience of the domestic economy, so that the economic target can be achieved”.