
Listing Ceremony of PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk (MBMA) on Indonesia Stock Exchange

Published on 18/04/2023

On Tuesday, 18 April 2023, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) trading hours were also opened by PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk (MBMA), in the context of listing MBMA shares on the IDX Development Board.

MBMA is a company that implements downstream services in the electric vehicle battery value chain. MBMA has a portfolio of high quality business assets located in Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, mainly including the SCM mine, the Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace (RKEF) smelter, the Acid Iron Metal (AIM) project, the industrial area in Konawe (Indonesia Konawe Industrial Park/IKIP) and in the future the High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) factory. PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MDKA) is the controller of MBMA through PT Merdeka Energi Nusantara.

(Video of AWAN, MENN, and MBMA listing ceremony)

